The list of Works Cited is an alphabetical list of sources that you used to gather information for your research paper. You place this works cited list at the end of your research paper.
Your Works Cited Page:
Formatting Your MLA Format Works Cited: | |
Page Format: | Use the heading “Works Cited” centered one inch below the top edge of a new page. Do not bold or underline this heading. |
Page Number: | Begin the list on a new page and number each page, continuing the page numbers of the research paper. For example, if the text of your research paper ends on page 10, the works-cited list begins on page 11. The page number appears in the upper right-hand corner, half an inch from the top and flush with the right margin. |
Indentation: | Do not indent the first line of each entry. If an entry runs more than one line, indent the subsequent line or lines 1/2 inch from the left margin. |
Spacing: | Double-space the entire list, both between and within entries. Continue the list on as many pages as necessary. |
Alphabetizing: | Alphabetize entries in your list of works cited by the author’s last name, using the letter-by-letter system. In this system, the order of names is determined by the letters before the commas that separate last names and first names. Spaces and other punctuation marks are ignored. The letters following the commas are considered only when two or more last names are identical. A, An and The are ignored. |
Hints: |
MLA Works Cited Page Example:

MLA Works Cited Page Example
MLA Format Works Cited Templates/Formulas:
Here are the basic MLA format templates if you would like to create the Works Cited list yourself (instead of using the automatic generators).
Basic template in reference to Books |
NOTE: Name of author inverted = author’s last name, author’s first name.Book with One Author: Name of author inverted. Title of book. Place of publication: Name of publisher, Year of publication. Print.
Book with Multiple Authors: Author’s first name, last name, Author’s first name Author’s last name. Title of book. Place of publication: Name of publisher, Year of publication. Print.
Book with Editors: Name of author inverted. Title. Ed. Editor’s first name Editor’s last name. Place: Pub, Year. Print.
Other Templates: |
A Work in an Anthology:Name of author inverted. “Title of work.” Title of Anthology. Ed. Editor’s first and last name. Place: Pub, Year. Pages of work. Printed.
Play in Textbook: Name of author inverted. Title of Play. Title of Textbook. Ed. editor’s name. Place: Pub, Year. Pages. Printed.
Encyclopedia Article: Name of author inverted. “Article title.” Title. Edition. Date. Printed.
Bible: Title. Ed. Editor’s last name, first name. Place: Pub, Year. Printed.
In-text Citation example: (New Jerusalem Bible, Ezek. 1.5-10) Periodicals: Name of author inverted. “Title of article.” Name of periodical (omit any introductory a, an, or the) Volume number or issue number (Date of publication): Page numbers for the entire article. Printed.
Where 2.1 means: volume 2, issue 1. |
Basic template in reference to Electronic Sources |
Website:Name of author inverted. Full Title. Publisher, Publication date. Web. Access date.
Newspaper Article (Print): Name of author inverted. “Article Title.” Name of Newspaper Year or date of publication: page numbers. Print.
Newspaper Article (Found on the Internet): Name of author inverted. “Article Title.” Name of Newspaper Year or date of publication: page numbers. Web. Access date.
Magazine Article (Print): Name of author inverted. “Article Title.” Magazine Title. Date: Pages. Print.
Magazine Article (Internet): Name of author inverted. “Article Title.” Magazine Title. Date: Pages. Web. Access date.
Scholarly Journal Article (Print): Name of author inverted. “Article Title.” Title of Journal Volume (Year): Pages. Print.
Scholarly Journal Article (Internet): Name of author inverted. “Article Title.” Title of Journal Volume (Year): Pages. Web. Access date.
Dictionary Online: “Word searched.” Website Title. Created or updated date if available. Sponsoring organization of applicable. Web. Date of access written in MLA style.
Government Publication (Print): Author or Government Agency. Title of publication. Publication Information, date. Print.
Government Publication (Internet): Author or Government Agency. Title of publication. Publication Information, date. Web.
Class Notes, Lecture, etc… |
Class Notes:Name of lecturer inverted. Class Notes. Course. Location. Date of lecture. Lecture.
Lecture or Speech: Name of speaker inverted. “Title of Presentation.” Sponsoring Organization. Location. Date. Speech.
Interview: Interviewee last name, first name. Personal Interview. Date of interview.
Film: Title. Dir. Director’s name. Perf. Performer’s name(s). Distributor, year of release. Film.
Basic template in reference to Other Items |
Sources come in many forms. As a general rule, arrange the information in your Works Cited in the following order:Author. Title. Place of publication. Publisher. Date and any information that could help with retrieval. Medium. |
- MLA Handbook, 8th Edition
- Style Guide for Research Papers, p. 4-5
- The Longman Writer’s Bible, p. 127
Can do it!
Thank you now I can go back to school and claim my victory!
i hate it, all it does is stress me out and keep me AWAY from my freinds rather than spending more time with them while only giving me better grades becuase thts all my teacher willl accept
I need to site three books by the same author.
I finished MLA Works cited page on a website which my teacher gave me a 100 on.
This was very helpful thank you so very much…
This was super helpful!!
Hi Laquisha. Thanks for your input. I’m gonna have to agree to disagree.
How about the picture?
How Do I cite a photograph from an online magazine or publicity agency?
What should the in-text citation look like?
Very helpful
How would one cite a video (on youtube) in MLA format? Would one just cite the website?
Does the Works Cited page take the place of the Bibliography, or in MLA are both needed?
Q: Does the Works Cited page take the place of the Bibliography in MLA?
A: Yes.
Hello, is it considered plagiarism if i took excerpts from various pages and mix them together, so the work will be more complete, and put the sources in cited works? or do i have to put also my words into the sentences?
Yes, that is considered plagiarism. See citation examples here.
This is good but it’s not really specific enough, like where it says name of author inverted it should be last name, first name. And it says location of publication when it should say city.
How exactly do I use MLA format for a philosophy paper, the source I am using is from Stanford’s online encyclopedia, in which it’s a paper written by an author, but I don’t know exactly how to format it. My teacher had told our class to just put the author’s last name at the end of the sentence.
Hi Ralphael,
“My teacher had told our class to just put the author’s last name at the end of the sentence.”
That is called in-text citation, you can read some examples here. See under the section “Placement and Punctuation Rules”.
Generally, you would put the last name and page number but since the source you use is online and has no page number, you just use the last name, as advised by your teacher.
This article does not specify what goes first, second, third. e.g. author’s name, then title of source, then year, then page number, etc. So, if I direct a student here, he can get the correct format, but not the proper order of information.
Hi Laquisha,
Thank you for your input.
Hi Laquisha,
I would like to let you know that I have updated this page to include the information you suggested. The new information can be located under subtitle: “MLA Format Works Cited Templates”. Take care!