MLA Format Sample Paper, First Page.

MLA Format Sample Paper, Second Page

MLA Format Sample Paper, Page 3

MLA Format Sample Paper, Page 4

MLA Format Sample Paper, Page 5

MLA Format Sample Paper, Page 6

MLA Format Sample Paper, Page 7, Works Cited Page
Source: Diana Hacker (Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2006).
Why is it that I pay my college thousands of dollars to try and understand this and a simple duck duck go search brings me here and it just clicks?
I understand it.. I get the idea of it but the thousands I spend on a college education doesn’t… I just get more frustrated and feel like I am a consumable item to the college that doesn’t matter…
I feel educated by this bit
thanks a lot.
Great advice
Does it need to be double spaced?
Yes, double spaced, 12 point font and times new Roman font
Thank you very much for making MLA understandable.
When using a quote in a research paper are you supposed to correct punctuation or change words ie this particular quote used the word and a few times and the teacher grading said she used the word and too many times, use also or as well and wanted a plural form of a word instead on the one stated in the quote. Another quote she wanted a coma but there was no comma in the quote. She lost points on her grade due to this.
How can I cite the lines cited by the author from anothre book or article?
Big help, thanks.
What is the rule about widow/orphan for research papers – particularly in mla format?
How do I know what words go into parenthesis after I have quoted or pharaphrased? Is it the first word of each work citied or….?
I am writing a paper comparing two songs for a music class. If I am using song titles in the paper how should they be formatted, also band or artist names.
How do you incorporate quotes from articles into the essay and cite them directly in the essay?
The above sample essay is OUTDATED. It is from the 6th edition, not the 7th. The tale-tell clue is the Works Cited page. Current MLA guidelines no longer require URLs for internet sources but DO require identification of the type of source (print, web, film, etc.). This is very important for source identification in any student or professional essay. Omission of the source type usually results in major point deductions from the instructor..
Please update this sample document! The in-text citations are correct, but the Works Cited page is completely wrong.
Respond: Thank you Davis. This paper has been updated to follow the style guidelines in the latest MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, 7th edition.
Thank you for making the MLA process a little easier! I would love to see a sample paper that’s not a full research paper, maybe just a response essay? HS students are asked to write these frequently but I haven’t seen any sample papers that are not research papers. Thanks again for making MLA format more understandable.
Friends, can you tell me where to find paper style for cbse 7th standard?
Hi Nisha, check out a CSE sample paper here. Googling “CSE format” should show some very useful results.
How do I cite a magazine article that is found on a website, but not on the official magazine’s website? In other words, someone else typed up a magazine article from years ago on their own website.
Hi Caroline,
Here is the format to cite articles found online:
Author. “Title of Article.” Title of Publication Date: Page(s) or Section(s), if numbered. Date of Access <URL>.
How to write the work citation from the website if the writer’s name has not been given but only the title has been given? pleze somebody help me.
Hi Bam,
Citation: If author is given, you cite the author’s name. If no author is given, you cite the title instead.
Works Cited format, with author: Name of author inverted. Full Title. Publisher, Publication date. Access date URL of source.
Without author: Full Title. Publisher, Publication date. Access date URL of source.
Check out these links for more information: MLA Citations, Works Cited
Can someone please explain the MLA format for a works cited page?
Thanks, 🙂
Hi Unknown 🙂
Please visit here: MLA format works cited
I have a question with which I hope you can help me. I have been searching for information on sub-titles and how they should be formatted using MLA.
Can you please advise?
Hi Yvonne,
It was nice talking to you over email and thank you for verifying with your friend’s instructor. Together, we have developed a new page for MLA format subheadings.
I found an interesting website the other day that has citations from different works and it puts the citation in the proper MLA, APA format for you.